


课程编码:180089050200M1001Y 英文名称:Schools of Linguistics 课时:36 学分:2.00 课程属性:学科核心课 主讲教师:高原

The study of linguistics has grown up in many widely separated parts of the world. Often one individual or a small group of original minds has founded a tradition to the study of language, which can be explored from many different points of view. Therefore, the course aims to give students an overview of the field of linguistics as a whole by achieving the following objectives: (1) Introduce the famous figures in linguistic field to students. (2) Present students with the theories proposed by important linguistics schools. (3) Show the influences of the theories to the students. (4) Help the students to understand the historical background from which the theories grow. (5) Give students a general picture of the development of language study. The course will be conducted mainly through lectures combined with class discussions. Two reading weeks will be given to students in the middle and at the end of the semester. Students are required to finish the reading assignment each time. There is no mid-term or terminal examination. Instead, a reading report of 2000 English words is required after the first reading week. And a paper in Chinese with more than 2500 characters is required after the second one.


第一章 orientation 2.0学时 高原
第1节 orientation
第二章 linguistics before 20th century 4.0学时 高原
第1节 traditional linguistics
第2节 historical linguistics
第三章 Saussure 6.0学时 高原
第1节 historical background
第2节 fundamental concepts
第3节 dialectical thinkings
第四章 Boas 2.0学时 高原
第1节 historical background
第五章 Sapir and Wolf 4.0学时 高原
第1节 academic background
第2节 linguistic relativity
第六章 Bloomfield 6.0学时 高原
第1节 historical context
第2节 structuralism
第3节 fundamental concepts
第七章 Chomsky 6.0学时 高原
第1节 formal linguistics
第2节 generative linguistics
第3节 philosophical position
第八章 Halliday 6.0学时 高原
第1节 functional linguistics
第2节 metafunctions
第3节 theme and rheme

1、 西方语言学流派 刘润清 2017年11月 外语教学与研究出版社

