


课程编码:1801010714I0P1001Y 英文名称:Data Mining 课时:60 学分:3.00 课程属性:学科核心课 主讲教师:刘莹

The goal of the course is to provide the students with knowledge and hands-on experience in developing data mining algorithms and applications. Firstly, the course will introduce the motivation of data mining techniques. Then, present the principles and major classic algorithms in data mining. Next, the course will introduce some successful applications to the students. Finally, advanced topics and the most recent techniques will be introduced as well.

data structure, computer algorithms, programming, database

第一章 Introduction 5.0学时 刘莹
第1节 course outline
第2节 concept
第3节 techiniques
第4节 applications
第5节 data & software
第二章 Data Warehouse 5.0学时 刘莹
第1节 concept
第2节 data model
第3节 architecture
第4节 implementation
第三章 Data Preprocessing 6.0学时 刘莹
第1节 Why preprocess the data?
第2节 Descriptive data summarization
第3节 Data cleaning
第4节 Data transformation
第5节 Data integration
第6节 Data reduction
第7节 discretization
第四章 Classfication 8.0学时 刘莹
第1节 concept
第2节 decision tree
第3节 Bayesian classification
第4节 Classification by back propagation
第5节 Other classifiers
第6节 prediciton
第7节 Evaluation
第五章 Clustering 8.0学时 刘莹
第1节 concept
第2节 Data types
第3节 Partitioning Methods
第4节 Hierarchical Methods
第5节 Density-Based Methods
第6节 Grid-Based Methods
第7节 Outlier Detection
第六章 Association Rules Mining 6.0学时 刘莹
第1节 concept
第2节 Mining single-dimensional Boolean association rules
第3节 Mining multilevel association rules
第4节 Mining multidimensional association rules
第七章 Recommendation Systems 2.0学时 刘莹
第1节 Concept
第2节 content-based
第3节 collaborative filtering
第八章 Applications 4.0学时 刘莹
第1节 Applications
第九章 Big Data Mining 12.0学时 刘莹
第1节 concept
第2节 high performance computing introduction
第3节 high performance datamining
第4节 text mining
第5节 deep learning
第6节 cloud mining
第7节 case study
第十章 student project presentation 4.0学时 刘莹
第1节 presentations

1、 Data Mining, Concepts and Techniques Jiawei Han 2012年8月 机械工业出版社


Ying Liu received her B.S. degree from Peking University, China, in 1999, the M.S. degree and the Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA, in computer engineering in 2001 and 2005, respectively. She is professor in School of Computer Science and Technology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is the head of Lab of Data Mining and High Performance Computing. She is the recipient of NVidia Global Professor Partnership in 2009. She is selected to be a CUDA Teaching Center by NVidia in 2012 and Research Center as well. Her research interests include high-performance computing, data mining, and big data. She has already published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and preceedings of international conferences. She has been the PI for more than 30 research projects, including NSFC projects, enterprise sponsored projects, etc.