


课程编码:1801010706I0P1003Y 英文名称:Introduction of Weather and Climate 课时:40 学分:2.00 课程属性:学科核心课 主讲教师:陈光华等

In this course, we will introduce the interesting topics in the weather and climate. We will cover the following main topics. The atmospheric structure, temperature and energy cycle and so on will be introduced. The basic concept of atmospheric motion and instability will be presented to understand some major weather phenomena, such as mid-latitude front, monsoon weather, typical synoptic and mesoscale systems, and tropical cyclone. In terms of climatic aspects, we also give the impacts of the greenhouse gases and the aerosols on the global warming and the sea level rise. We will also discuss the uncertainty and the complexity of the spatial and the temporal variabilities of these climate effect. In addition, we will introduce several important climate variabilities and events, including the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, etc. We will briefly introduce the physical processes and mechanisms in the atmosphere-ocean interactions and the atmospheric teleconnections. Finally, we will provide a brief introduction to the climate observational system and the climate numerical models, which are frequently used in the climate research.


第一章 Introduction of Meteorology: Structure, temperature, Energy 4学时 陈光华
第1节 Overview of meteorology
第2节 Atmospheric structure
第3节 Temperature, moisture and precipitation
第4节 Energy and global climate
第二章 General Principles of Atmospheric Motion 3学时 陈光华
第1节 Dynamic equation
第2节 Thermal equation
第3节 Thermodynamic property of equations
第三章 Remote Sensing 3学时 陈光华
第1节 Basics of remote sensing by radar and satellite
第2节 weather radar
第3节 Satellite Soundings
第四章 Monsoon weather 3学时 陈光华
第1节 Monsoon circulation
第2节 Monsoon synoptic systems
第3节 Monsoon variability
第五章 Front and mesoscale system 3学时 陈光华
第1节 Cloud and precipitation types
第2节 Front structure and theory
第3节 Severe mesoscale convective system
第六章 Tropical Cyclone 4学时 陈光华
第1节 Global distribution and monitoring of tropical cyclone
第2节 Three-Dimensional structure
第3节 Tropical cyclone formation, intensity and motion
第4节 Sociaetal and environmental impacts
第七章 Fundamental methods and technology in climate sciences 3学时 陈光华
第1节 Introduction of the climate observational systems
第2节 Introduction of fundamental statistical method used in climate sciences
第3节 Introduce the climate models.
第八章 Interannual to decadal climate variability 3学时 李熙晨
第1节 Interannual climate variability of the earth system
第2节 Decadal and Multi-decadal climate variabilities
第3节 Interactions between different climate variabilities
第九章 Atmosphere – Ocean Interactions teleconnections 3学时 李熙晨
第1节 Fundamental processes and feedbacks in the atmosphere – ocean interactions
第2节 Introduction of the Rossby wave dynamics
第3节 Impacts of the tropical oceans on the mid- and high- latitudes
第十章 Global Warming and its Hiatus 3学时 李熙晨
第1节 The radiative forcing of the greenhouse gases on the global energy balance.
第2节 The complexity of the spatial and temporal variability of the global warming
第3节 The effect of the internal climate variability on the recent observed global warming hiatus
第十一章 Global Sea Level Rise 3学时 李熙晨
第1节 Introduction of the observed global sea level rise and its impacts
第2节 The main sources of the global sea level rise
第3节 Introduction of the regional sea level rise
第十二章 Effect of Aerosols 3学时 李熙晨
第1节 The recent observed changes in the global and regional aerosol concentration
第2节 The environmental effect of the aerosols
第3节 The climate effect of the aerosols


Dr. Guanghua Chen is a Professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, specializing in atmospheric sciences. He has been working in the Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP) after getting PhD degree. He ever served as a Postdoctor and associate researcher in Taiwan National University and Academia Sinica. As a visiting professor, he paid a visit in Tokyo University in 2014 and 2018. Xichen Li is a professor at Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Science, specializing in climate change, earth system modeling, and atmosphere-(ice)-ocean interaction. He got his bachelor degree at Peking University, Master at IAP, and PhD at New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematics. He then did a Post Doc. at Scripps Institute of Oceanography, University of California San Diego. He is a member of the International Community of Polar Meteorology (ICPM) and member of the Tropical Basins Interaction (TBI) group in Climate Variability and Predictability Program, CLIVAR.