英文名称:Soil Ecology-Water and Nutrients Cycling and Management
This course focus on the interactions among soil organisms, and between biotic and abiotic aspects of the soil environment, particularly concerned with soil structure and stability, biodiversity, soil microbial and macro-ecology and functions, the cycling of soil water and nutrients, above- and below-ground biological interactions. Mastery of those knowledge will help to addresses the impacts of human activities on soil function, and improve the sustainability and productivity of soil ecosystems. This course is divided into two parts: Parts one provides introductions about soil ecology, and soil formation, soil physical and chemical environments; soil water and nutrient cycling, dynamics, balance and plant use; and the management practices to improve the sustainability and productivity of soil ecosystems.
第一章 Basics to soil ecology 10.0学时 张喜英
第1节 Introduction to soil ecology
第2节 Soil formation
第3节 Soil physical environment
第4节 Soil chemical environment
第5节 Soil functions
第二章 Soil nutrients and water cycling 20.0学时 胡春胜
第1节 Soil nutrient cycling
第2节 (1) C\N\P\K cycling
第3节 (2) Soil nutrient dynamics
第4节 (3) Roots and nutrient acquisition
第5节 Soil water cycling
第6节 (1)Soil water dynamics
第7节 (2)Root and soil water uptake
第8节 (3) Soil evaporation and plant transpiration
第三章 Soil macro-ecology 10.0学时 张喜英
第1节 Soil role in macro-system
第2节 (1) The role of soil in food-chain system
第3节 (2) The role of soil in macro-ecosystem
第4节 (3) Interactions between soil and macro-ecosystems
第5节 Soil macro-ecology
第6节 (1) Soil use change and greenhouse emission
第7节 (2) Soil-food system nitrogen transformation
第8节 (3) Soil carrying capacity based nutrient management
第9节 Human activities and climate change on soil ecology
第10节 (1) Soil pollution and degradation
第11节 (2) Climate change on soil ecology
第12节 (3) Atmospheric nitrogen deposition
第13节 (4) Invasive species
第14节 (5) Land-use transformation
第15节 Soil type, quality and management at diverse scales for improving ecosystem production and resource use efficiency
第16节 Integrated soil fertility/health management for the sustainability of soil ecosystem
Essential of Ecology@Soil Physics@Soil Water Dynamics
Michael Begon@W Jury@A Warrick
Wiley@Wiley@Oxford University Press
张喜英博士,曾在英国洛桑实验站、美国加州大学戴维斯、澳大利亚CSIRO等开展合作研究。目前担任Agricultural Water Management的主编。主要从事SPAC系统水分循环与调控研究。胡春胜博士,曾在美国、澳大利亚、芬兰、日本、荷兰、德国等开展合作研究,目前担任Journal of Soil and Water Conservation副主编、中国生态农业学报执行主编,长期从事作物营养和农田碳氮过程与面源污染治理研究。