


课程编码:081803M08001H 英文名称:basic xperiments of rock and soil mechanics 课时:30 学分:1.00 课程属性:实验课 主讲教师:张路青等



第一章 土体物理力学性质试验 21学时 曾庆利
第1节 试样制备与饱和
第2节 土的含水率试验
第3节 土的渗透试验
第4节 土的密度颗分试验
第5节 液塑限自由膨胀率试验
第6节 土的固结直剪试验
第7节 膨胀土的膨胀力试验
第二章 岩石物理力学性质试验 9学时 张路青
第1节 岩石试样制备与物理性质
第2节 岩石单轴压缩试验
第3节 岩石三轴试验

1、 岩土力学实验(第二版) 侍倩、曾亚武 2010年 武汉大学出版社

首席教授:张路青 研究员


1. L. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, et al., 2018. Sensitivity analysis on the interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures based on an explicitly coupled hydro-geomechanical model in PFC2D. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 167, 638-653
2. L. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, Z. H. Han, 2017. Hydraulic fracturing process by using a modified two-dimensional particle flow code – case study. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 17 (1) : 52-62
3. L. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, X. L. Wang, 2012. Back-analysis of long-term tensile strength by using in-situ rock ruptures: method comparison and numerical examples, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 51: 35-42
4. L. Q. Zhang, J. Zhou, X. L. Wang, 2011. Discussion of the paper “Stress state analysis of a collapsed overhanging rock slab: A case study” by P. Paronuzzi and W. Serafini, Engineering Geology, 108: 65-75 (2009). Engineering Geology, 119 (3-4):120-130
5. L. Q. Zhang, A. Z. Lu, Z. Q. Yue, Z. F. Yang, 2009. An efficient and accurate iterative stress solution for an infinite elastic plate around two elliptic holes, subjected to uniform loads on the hole boundaries and at infinity, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solid, 29 (1): 189-193
6. L. Q. Zhang, Z. Q. Yue, Z. F Yang, et al, 2006. A displacement-based back-analysis method for rock mass modulus and horizontal in-situ stress in tunneling – illustrated with a case study, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, 21 (6): 636-649
7. L.Q. Zhang, Z.Q. Yue, C.F. Lee, L.G. Tham, Z.F. Yang, 2003. Stress Solution of Multiple Elliptic Hole Problem in Plane Elasticity, ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 129 (12): 1394~1407
8. Lu-qing Zhang, Ai-zhong Lu and Zhi-fa Yang, 2001. An analytic algorithm of stresses for any double hole problem in plane elastostatics, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 68 (2): 350-353
9. Zhang Luqing, Yang Zhifa & Lu Aizhong, 2001, Analytics study on the problem of two problems having arbitrary shapes and arrangements in plane elastostatics, Science in China (Series D), 44 (2): 146-158
1. J. Zhou, L. Q. Zhang, Z. J. Pan, & Z. H. Han, 2017. Numerical studies of interactions between hydraulic and natural fractures by Smooth Joint Model. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 46, 592-602
2. J. Zhou, L. Q. Zhang, D. X. Yang, A. Braun & Z. H. Han, 2017. Investigation of the quasi-brittle failure of Alashan Granite viewed from laboratory experiments and grain-based discrete element modeling. Materials, 10(7), 835: 1-20
3. J. Zhou, L. Q. Zhang, A. Braun & Z. H. Han, 2017. Investigation of processes of interaction between hydraulic and natural fractures by PFC modeling comparing against laboratory experiments and analytical models. Energies, 10 (7), 1001: 1-18
4. J. Zhou, L. Q. Zhang, Z. H. Han. 2017. Hydraulic fracturing process by using a modified two-dimensional particle flow code – method and validation. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 17 (1): 13-26
5. J. Zhou, L. Q. Zhang, A. Braun, et al., 2016. Numerical modeling and investigation of fluid-driven fracture propagation in reservoirs based on a modified fluid-mechanically coupled model in two-dimensional Particle flow code. Energies, 9 (9), 699: 1-19
6. J. Zhou, L. Q. Zhang, Z. J. Pan, et al., 2016. Numerical investigation of fluid-driven near- borehole fracture propagation in laminated reservoir rock using PFC2D. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 36, Part A: 719-733
1. 一种用于斜坡摩崖石刻风化防护的半封闭式全覆盖隔离方法. 张路青, 王学良, 周剑, 杨志法等. 专利号: 201410132271.2, 专利权人: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所. 授权公告日: 2018.11.06
2. 一种立式拦石网的制作方法. 张路青, 杨志法, 张中俭, 王学良. 专利号: ZL200910078362.1, 专利权人: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所. 授权公告日: 2012.02.08
3. 一种油封式百分表沉降仪. 张路青, 杨志法, 王学良, 陈岗等.专利号: 200910210214.0. 专利授权人: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 龙游县风景旅游管理局. 授权公告日: 2012.9.12
4. 双测杆携带式水管倾斜仪. 张路青, 杨志法, 张中俭, 王学良等.专利号: 200910210213.6, 专利权人: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所, 龙游县风景旅游管理局. 授权公告日: 2011.11.23
5. 可用于边坡加固的层状网式钢筋石笼挡墙技术. 张路青, 杨志法, 祝介旺, 刘英等. 专利号: ZL02159704.9, 专利权人: 中国科学院地质与地球物理研究所. 授权公告日: 2005.4.27

1. 2015. 金属矿床充填开采岩体移动监控技术及应用. 国家安全生产监督管理总局安全生产科技成果奖, 一等奖, 获奖总人数10人, 本人为主要完成人, 排名第8
2. 2012. 中国地质学会工程地质专业委员会-首届谷德振青年科技奖, 个人奖
3. 2010. 中国岩石力学与工程学会-第六届青年科技奖. 银奖, 个人奖
4. 2009. 金属硫化矿床开采岩体移动监控技术及应用. 甘肃省冶金有色工业科学技术进步奖, 一等奖, 获奖总人数13人, 本人为主要完成人, 排名第6
5. 2009. 工程地质结构研究及重大工程防灾应用. 国家科学技术进步奖, 二等奖, 获奖总人数10人, 本人为主要完成人, 排名第7
6. 2006. 岩土工程反分析原理及应用. 中国岩石力学与工程学会科学技术奖. 二等奖, 获奖总人数10人,本人为主要完成人,排名第5
7. 2001. 中国科学院院长奖优秀奖, 个人奖

主讲教师:曾庆利 副教授

[1] 曾庆利,魏荣强,周元泽, 薛鑫宇, 尹前锋. 茂县新磨特大滑坡-碎屑流的发育特征与运移机理. 工程地质学报, 2018, 26(1):193-206
[2] Rongqiang Wei, Qingli Zeng, Tim Davies, Guangxiang Yuan, Kaiyang Wang, Xinyu Xue, Qianfeng Yin. Geohazard Cascade and Mechanism of Large Debris Flows in Tianmo Gully, SE Tibetan Plateau and Implications to Hazard Monitoring. Engineering Geology, 2018, 233, 172-182.(通讯作者)
[3] 曾庆利,尚彦军,胡桂胜, 杨长德, 李坤, 杨鹏, 薛鑫宇. 新疆叶城“7.6”滑坡泥石流灾害调查与形成机理研究. 工程地质学报, 2016, 24(6): 1145-1155
[4] 曾庆利,王炜风,陈宏宇, 薛鑫宇, 袁广祥. 镇雄赵家沟滑坡特征及基于坡体结构的失稳机理研究. 工程地质学报, 2016, 24(4): 510-518
[5] 曾庆利, 薛鑫宇, 王开洋, 袁广祥. 西藏天摩沟泥石流灾害链过程及致灾机理. 川藏铁路建设的挑战与对策学术交流会论文集. 2016.12
[6] 孙福军, 陈洋, 曾庆利, 乔志斌, 李杰. 张集线旧堡隧道工程地质条件和岩体结构特征研究. 工程地质学报, 2010, 18(4): 566-574. (通讯作者)
[7] Q L Zeng, Z Q Yue, Z F Yang, et al. A case study of long-term field performance of check-dams in mitigation of soil erosion in Jiangjia stream, China. Environmental Geology, 2009, 58(4): 897-911
[8] 曾庆利,杨志法,尚彦军等. 川藏公路102滑坡群地段基覆界面问题研究. 水文地质工程地质, 2008, 35(3):1-6
[9] 曾庆利, 杨志法, 袁广祥等. 松宗古湖-藏东南帕隆藏布江末次盛冰期发育的一个冰川堰塞湖. 第四纪研究, 2007, 27(1): 85-92
[10] 曾庆利, 杨志法, 张西娟等. 云南虎跳峡“滑石板”岩质滑坡的基本特征与成因初探. 自然灾害学报, 2007, 16(3):1-6
[11] 曾庆利, 杨志法, 袁广祥等. 从辫状水系看川藏公路特大型泥石流的成灾模式及灾害防治-以扎木镇~古乡沟段为例. 中国地质灾害与防治学报, 2007, 18(2): 27-33
[12] 曾庆利, 岳中琦, 杨志法, 张西娟. 谷坊在泥石流防治中的作用-以云南蒋家沟2条支沟的对比为例. 岩石力学与工程学报, 2005, 24(17): 3137-3145

主讲教师:乔小娟 副教授

1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金, 41402222,北京房山岩溶水系统渗透系数的条件随机刻画及流场模拟,2015/01-2017/12,30万元,在研,主持
2. 中国博士后基金一等面上资助,119103S189,非均质岩溶含水层中渗透系数的条件随机刻画,2013/06-2015/06,8万元,已结题,主持
3. 国防科工局项目,Y21Z01T1A9(单位编号),重点区段岩体裂隙控水作用研究2012.1-2015.5,20万元,已结题,主持
4. 北京市发改委,Y2390161G4(单位编号),房山地区岩溶水赋存特征研究,2012.1-2014.8,28万元,已结题,主持
[1] XiaoJuan Qiao*, Guomin Li, Yupegn Li. et al., Influences of heterogeneity on three-dimensional groundwater flow simulation and wellhead protection area delineation in karst groundwater system, Taiyuan City, Northern China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2015,(DOI 10.1007/s12665-015-4031-5).
[2] 魏亚强,乔小娟,李国敏,等.Modflow不同算法及参数设定对计算精度的影响。水文地质工程地质,2015,(2)184~191.
[3] Edlmann K., Edwards M.A., XiaoJuan Qiao, Haszeldine R.S., McDermott C.I., Appraisal of global CO2 storage opportunities using the geomechanical facies approach. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2014,(DOI 10.1007/s12665-014-3965-3)
[4] XiaoJuan Qiao, Guomin Li*. Factors that influence the safety of CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers. Environmental engineering and management journal. 2014, (13)12:2917~2928.
[5] 乔小娟,侯泉林,琚宜文,等.北京张坊地区岩溶地下水系统的构造制约。中国岩溶,2014,33(2)184~191.
[6] XiaoJuan Qiao, Guomin Li*, Ming Li. et al., CO2 storage capacity assessment of deep saline aquifers in the Subei Basin, East China. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2012,11:52~63.
[7] Xu Ling, XiaoJuan Qiao, Caixia Wu. et al., Causes of landslide recurrence in a loess platform with respect to hydrological processes. Natural Hazards. 2012,(64)2:1657~1670.
[8] XiaoJuan Qiao, Guomin Li*, Li Ming et al., Influence of Coal Mining on Regional Karst Ground Water System-A Case Study in West Mountain Area of Taiyuan City,Northern China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 2011,(64) 6:1525~1535.
[9] XiaoJuan Qiao, Guomin Li*, Christopher I. McDermott, et al., An overview of CO2 geological storage in China. Environmental engineering and management journal. 2010,(9) 7: 889~896.
[10] 乔小娟,李国敏,周金龙,等.采煤对地下水资源与环境的影响分析--以山西太原西山煤矿开采区为例。水资源保护,2010,26(1):49~52.
[11] 乔小娟,李国敏,王宏义,等.利用CFCs定年数据计算静升盆地含水层渗透系数。水文地质工程地质,2009,3:21~24.
[12] 乔小娟,李国敏,都洁,等.太原市西山岩溶水系统水文地球化学特征分析。中国岩溶, 2008,27(4):353~358.