


课程编码:0710I0D01008H 英文名称:Molecular Entomology and Plant Pathology 课时:51 学分:3.00 课程属性:一级学科核心课 主讲教师:李向东等

This course will cover the basis of modern agriculture biotechnology, molecular entomology and plant pathology. In the first part, we will explain the importance of insect science and its impact on agriculture, forest, and human health. We will also discuss several important aspects of molecular insect such as metabolism, endocrinology, immunity, locomotors system etc. The basic knowledge of insect physiology, molecular biology, and biochemistry, which were used to study entomology, will be provided during the class. The second part of the course will give students the general view of the history and development of plant pathology. Particularly, the concepts of plant innate immunity and plant epidemiology will be introduced and emphasized, including PAMPs triggered immunity, effector triggered immunity and basal defense of plants. In addition, plant pathogen isolation and identification and plant protection will be discussed in the course.


第一章 General introduction to entomology 3学时
第1节 Important Conception of entomology
第2节 Classification and structure of insects
第3节 Agricultural and Medical entomology
第二章 DNA synthesis, transcription, and translation 3学时
第1节 DNA synthesis and its application in entomology
第2节 DNA transcription
第3节 DNA translation
第三章 Insect transgenesis and comparative genomics 3学时
第1节 Insect transgenesis
第2节 Comparative genomics
第3节 functional genomics
第4节 Review and Case studies
第四章 Molecular Systematics and Phylogeny 3学时
第1节 Molecular systematics
第2节 Phylogeny
第3节 intoduction to population genetics
第五章 Circulatory system, Endocrinology and Reproduction 4学时
第1节 Circulatory systems
第2节 endocrinology
第3节 reproduction
第4节 First hour exam
第六章 Insect Locomotor Systems 3学时
第1节 Insect muscle
第2节 How insect fly
第3节 How insect jump
第七章 Insect Nervous Systems 4学时
第1节 Neuron and glial cells
第2节 Basic functioning
第3节 Anatomy of the nervous system
第4节 Brain
第5节 Controlling behavior
第八章 Insect Visual Signaling 3学时
第1节 Structure and function of compound eye
第2节 Light adaptation of compound eye
第3节 Perception of light signal
第4节 Other phtoreceptors
第5节 Insect color and light production
第九章 Insect Chemical Communication 3学时
第1节 Structure of olfactory receptor
第2节 Mode of operation
第3节 Contact chemoreception (taste)
第十章 Pheromones 3学时
第1节 Functions of pheromones
第2节 Production of pheromones
第3节 Examples of pheromones in regulating insect behavior
第十一章 Insect Mechanical Communication 3学时
第1节 Mechanoreception
第2节 Producting sound and substrate vibration
第3节 Second exam
第十二章 Introduction to Plant Pathology 3学时
第1节 History of Plant Pathology
第2节 Plant Pathology and human life
第3节 Plant Disease:bacteria, fungi and virus
第十三章 Plant basal defense 3学时
第1节 Non-host resistance
第2节 Salicylic acid-mediated immune response
第3节 Jasmonic acid-mediated immune response
第十四章 PAMP-triggered immunity 3学时
第1节 Origin of immunity
第2节 PAMPs and receptors
第3节 PAMP-triggered immunity
第十五章 Effector-triggered immunity 3学时
第1节 Effectors:structure,secretion and function
第2节 Resistance proteins:structure,perception and evolution
第3节 Effector-triggered immunity
第十六章 Plant epidemiology and field managments 3学时
第1节 Plant epidemiology
第2节 Disease occurrence and conditions
第3节 Disease management and crop protection


Prof. LI Xiang-Dong
Prof. ZOU Zhen
Prof. LIU Jun