


课程编码:0705I0D01001H 英文名称:Physical Geography 课时:60 学分:4.00 课程属性:一级学科核心课 主讲教师:方小敏等

Physical Geography 2020 Spring semester is designed as an introduction course for research graduate students majored in the earth and environmental sciences. As a foundation in the study of geography, this course introduces the physical elements of the eah and the environment in which people live. The focus is on natural processes that create physical diversity on the earth, covering topics like weather and climate, vegetation and soils, landforms, ecosystems, their distribution and significance. This course is designed in an interactive way, combining basic theories and current research progress in several key fields. It enables the students to develop a broad understanding of geographic processes, and how human activity affects physical geography, especially in the Tibetan Plateau.?


第一章 Introduction of Physical Geography 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Brief introduction
第2节 The earth and its rotation
第3节 Coordination system
第4节 The earth in the solar system
第二章 Global Energy Balance 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Insolation to the earth
第2节 Global energy system
第3节 Energy redistribution and climate change
第三章 Winds and Global Circulation 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Air pressure, wind and cyclones-anticyclones
第2节 Wind circulation
第3节 Ocean circulation
第四章 Weather Systems 3学时 方小敏
第1节 Air masses and fronts
第2节 Midlatitude anticyclones an cyclones
第3节 Tropic and equatorial weather systems
第五章 Earth materials 2学时 方小敏
第1节 The structure of the earth
第2节 Earth materials and rocks
第六章 Tectonics and Landforms 3学时 方小敏
第1节 Plate tectonics and global topography
第2节 Tectonic landforms
第3节 Volcanic activity and landforms
第七章 Air Temperature, Moisture and Precipitation 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Air temperature and vertical temperature structure
第2节 Temperature change
第3节 Moisture and humidity
第4节 Precipitation formation and types
第八章 Global Climates and Climate Change 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Climate and classification
第2节 Climate with latitude
第3节 climate change and causes
第4节 Mini-seminars: student presentations and discussion
第九章 Weathering and Mass Wasting & Freshwater of the Continents 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Weathering
第2节 Mass Wasting
第3节 Hydrologic Cycle
第4节 Groundwater
第十章 Freshwater of the Continents 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Streamflow
第2节 Lakes
第3节 Hydrological Model
第4节 Water as a Natural Resource
第十一章 Landforms Made by Running Water 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Erosion, Transportation, and Deposition
第2节 Stream Gradation and Evolution
第3节 Fluvial Landforms
第4节 Fluvial Processes in an Arid Climate
第十二章 Global Biogeography and Biogeographic Process 6学时 方小敏
第1节 Global Natural Vegetation and Climatic Belts
第2节 Terrestrial Ecosystem-Components, structure and function
第3节 Energy and Matter Flow in Ecosystem
第4节 Biodiversity
第5节 Human Disturbance to Natural Ecosystem
第6节 Methods of Ecosystem Studies
第十三章 Global Soils 5学时 方小敏
第1节 The Nature of the Soil
第2节 Soil Chemistry
第3节 Soil Moisture
第4节 Soil Development
第5节 The Global Scope of Soils
第十四章 Landforms Made by Wave and Wind 4学时 方小敏
第1节 The Work of Waves and Tides
第2节 Coastal Landforms
第3节 Wind Action
第4节 Eolian Landforms
第十五章 Glacial and Periglacial Landforms 4学时 方小敏
第1节 Glaciers and Their Types
第2节 Glacial Processes and Their Landforms
第3节 Periglacial Processes and Landforms
第4节 Glaciations and Climatic Changes


Prof. XiaoMin Fang et al.