


课程编码:050200DGX002H-01 英文名称:Scientific Writing 课时:40 学分:1.00 课程属性:公共选修课 主讲教师:于华

For graduate students, writing academic papers in English not only means a fundamental skill in their academic study, but also symbolizes their professional development and achievement. Grounded on the common difficulties and challenges that science students may encounter in their academic writing, the aim of this course is to help them understand academic papers’ style, guidelines, and writing methods, improve their language accuracy in academic contexts, and therefore, improve their confidence and capacity in academic English writing.


第一章 Course introduction 4学时
第1节 Course introduction 2学时
第2节 Shaping a research paper 2学时
第二章 Quoting and paraphrasing 4学时
第1节 Quoting 2学时
第2节 Paraphrasing 2学时
第三章 Summarizing and synthesizing 4学时
第1节 Summarizing 2学时
第2节 Synthesizing 2学时
第四章 Writing up the Introduction 4学时
第1节 Literature review 2学时
第2节 Research gaps and purposes 2学时
第五章 Writing up the Methods 4学时
第1节 Information conventions 2学时
第2节 Language conventions 2学时
第六章 Writing up the Results 4学时
第1节 Tables and Figures 2学时
第2节 Describing tables and figures 2学时
第七章 Writing up the Discussion 4学时
第1节 Information conventions 2学时
第2节 Language conventions 2学时
第八章 Writing the Abstract 4学时
第1节 Information conventions 2学时
第2节 Language conventions 2学时
第九章 Language features 4学时
第1节 Formality and complexity 2学时
第2节 Conciseness and tentativeness 2学时
第十章 Course review 4学时
第1节 final exam 4学时

