


课程编码:0705I0D01008H 英文名称:Geographic Information Systems-B 课时:51 学分:3.50 课程属性:一级学科核心课 主讲教师:周翔等

This course includes two parts - lectures and laboratory practice. The lectures introduce the methods of managing and processing geospatial data, and cover the topics of coordinate systems, spatial data models and structures, spatial analysis, and GIS models and modeling. The laboratory practice is designed to help students to master a GIS software (i.e. ArcGIS desktop) by a number of experiences on data management, data analysis, GIS modeling, and result presentation.


第一章 An Introduction to GIS 3学时 周翔
第1节 What is GIS
第2节 Applications of GIS
第3节 Introduction to ArcCatalog
第二章 Coordinate Systems 3学时 李红旮
第1节 Geographic Coordinate System
第2节 Projected Coordinate Systems
第3节 Project from a Geographic to a Projected Coordinate System
第三章 Geo-data Organization (vector) 3学时 陶醉
第1节 Representation of Spatial Features and Georelational Data Model
第2节 Object-Based Data Model:Geodatabase
第3节 Examine and view the Data File Structure
第四章 Geo-data Organization (raster) 3学时 陶醉
第1节 Raster Data Model
第2节 Data Conversion and Integration
第3节 Convert Vector Data to Raster Data;
第五章 Spatial Data Acquisition 3学时 周翔
第1节 Existing GIS Data and Conversion of Existing Data
第2节 Download RS data and Digitize on Screen
第3节 Add XY Data and Display in E-map
第六章 Geometric Transformation 3学时 周翔
第1节 Geometric Transformation
第2节 Interpretation of Errors on Digitized
第3节 Georeference and Rectify a Scanned Map and Map Transformation
第七章 Attribute Data Management 3学时 陶醉
第1节 Attribute Data in GIS
第2节 Use Validation Rule for Entering Attribute Data
第3节 Create New Attribute by Data Classification and Computation
第八章 Cartography and GIS Mapping 3学时 陶醉
第1节 Cartographic Representation and Types of Quantitative maps
第2节 Map Design
第3节 Make a Choropleth Map
第九章 Data Exploration 3学时 陶醉
第1节 Data Exploration and Data Query
第2节 Query Attribute Data from a Database
第3节 Combine Spatial and Attribute Data Queries
第十章 Vector Data Analysis 3学时 吕婷婷
第1节 GIS spatial analysis
第2节 Perform Buffering and Overlay
第3节 Compute General and Local G-Statistics
第十一章 Raster Data Analysis 3学时 吕婷婷
第1节 Local, neighborhood and zonal operations
第2节 Perform a Local Operation and a Neighborhood Operation
第3节 Perform a Zonal Operation
第十二章 Terrain 3学时 吕婷婷
第1节 Data for Terrain Mapping and Analysis
第2节 Use DEM for Terrain Mapping
第3节 Build and Display a TIN
第十三章 Viewshed and Watershed Analysis 3学时 李红旮
第1节 Viewshed Analysis and Applications
第2节 Watershed Analysis and Applications
第3节 Perform Viewshed Analysis
第十四章 Spatial Interpolation 3学时 李红旮
第1节 Elements of Spatial Interpolation and Comparison of Spatial Interpolation Methods
第2节 Use Trend Surface Model for Interpolation
第3节 Use Ordinary Kriging for Interpolation
第十五章 Least Cost Path and Network Analysis 3学时 李红旮
第1节 Least-Cost Path Analysis
第2节 Network Analysis
第3节 Applications of Network Analysis and Least-Cost Path Analysis
第十六章 GIS Models and Modeling 3学时 周翔
第1节 Basic Elements of GIS Modeling
第2节 Kinds of Models
第3节 Use different models
第十七章 Exam 3学时 周翔
第1节 Exam


"Prof. Xiang ZOU,who received his B.S. degree in cartography and geographic information system from Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, in 1999, his M.S. degree in computer sciences from Birmingham University, Birmingham, U.K., in 2004, and his Ph.D. degree in engineering from Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China, in 2008.
He is a Professor in the Aerospace Information Research Institute, CAS. His research interests focus on environment remote sensing, validation of remote sensing products and geospatial information science."