


课程编码:0706I0D01002H 英文名称:Overview of Climate Change Sciences 课时:60 学分:4.00 课程属性:一级学科核心课 主讲教师:康世昌等

Climate Change Science 2018 fall semester is designed as an introductory course in the climate system change and related Issues for graduate students majored in Earth Sciences. The class will give students an overview of climate system and its changes and impacts, mitigation and adaptation of climate changes as well as some updated developments in selected fields. As a course for graduate students a mini-seminar series are incorporated into the course to provide examples of research conducted in selected fields. This course covers the components of the climate system including atmosphere, cryosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, anthroposphere, and their changes as well as mechanisms, forcing, attribution and predictions of the changes, multisphere interactions in Earth surface. Impacts, mitigation and adaptation of climate changes and regional and global sustainable development are also introduced. The course is structured as a series of lectures and mini-seminars in which individual research cases are discussed with faculty tutors.


第一章 Overview of Climate Change 6学时
第1节 Weather, climate and climate System 1.5学时 康世昌
第2节 What has hanged 1.5学时 康世昌
第3节 Why has it changed 1.5学时 康世昌
第4节 How will it change 1.5学时 康世昌
第二章 Paleo-climate Change 6学时
第1节 Glacial and interglacial cycle 1.5学时 张强弓
第2节 Holocene 1.5学时 张强弓
第3节 Past 2000 yeas 1.5学时 张强弓
第4节 Anthropocene 1.5学时 张强弓
第三章 Changes in Atmospheric Composition 6学时
第1节 Aerosols and precursors 1.5学时 张强弓
第2节 Short lived gases 1.5学时 张强弓
第3节 Well mixed greenhouse gases 1.5学时 张强弓
第4节 Toxic species 1.5学时 张强弓
第四章 Changes in Atmospheric Circulation 3学时
第1节 Global atmospheric circulation 0.5学时 兰措
第2节 Stratospheric circulation 0.5学时 兰措
第3节 Mid to high latitude circulation 0.5学时 兰措
第4节 Tropical circulation 0.5学时 兰措
第5节 Monsoon system 0.5学时 兰措
第6节 Climate pattern 0.5学时 兰措
第五章 Changes in Climate Extremes 3学时
第1节 Temperature extremes 1学时 兰措
第2节 Precipitation extremes 1学时 兰措
第3节 Tropical storms 1学时 兰措
第六章 Changes in the Cryosphere 6学时
第1节 Glacier 1学时 康世昌
第2节 Ice sheet 1学时 康世昌
第3节 Permafrost 1学时 康世昌
第4节 Seasonal snow 1学时 康世昌
第5节 Sea ice 1学时 康世昌
第6节 Other ice 1学时 康世昌
第七章 Changes in Hydrological Cycle 6学时
第1节 Global and regional hydrological cycle 1学时 兰措
第2节 Precipitation 1学时 兰措
第3节 Streamflow and runoff 1学时 兰措
第4节 Evapotranspiration including Pan Evaporation 1学时 兰措
第5节 Surface and tropospheric humidity 1学时 兰措
第6节 Clouds 1学时 兰措
第八章 Modeling Climate Change and Prediction 6学时
第1节 Aerosol and clouds 1学时 吉振明
第2节 Anthropogenic and natural radiative forcing 1学时 吉振明
第3节 Detection and attribution of climate change 1学时 吉振明
第4节 CMIP5 1学时 吉振明
第5节 Regional climate model 1学时 吉振明
第6节 Climate change prediction 1学时 吉振明
第九章 Impacts, Vulnerability of Climate Change 3学时
第1节 Assessment methods of impacts and vulnerability 1学时 王晓明
第2节 Major fields and regions of impacts and vulnerability 1学时 王晓明
第3节 Resilience in response to climate change 1学时 王晓明
第十章 Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change 3学时
第1节 Mitigation approaches 1学时 王晓明
第2节 International policies for mitigation 1学时 王晓明
第3节 Adaptation under sustainable development 1学时 王晓明
第十一章 Question, discussion and presentation 6.0学时
第1节 Climate change in East Asia 3学时 康世昌
第2节 Climate change in South Asia 3学时 张强弓
第十二章 Question, discussion and presentation 6学时
第1节 Climate change in Central Asia 3学时 康世昌
第2节 Climate change in other countries 3学时 兰措


Prof. Shichang Kang et al.