


课程编码:0830I0D01002H 英文名称:Advanced Diagnostic Technologies of Chemical Reactions and Its Application 课时:60 学分:4.00 课程属性:一级学科核心课 主讲教师:田振玉

The course is mainly focusing on the principles of advanced diagnostics in the homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical reactions, particularly the applications of these diagnostic methods in the chemical and environmental field will be introduced. In detail, this course will be started with spectrophotometric methods, electrochemical methods of analysis, chromatography and mass spectrometry, following by their application in gas-, liquid- and surface reactions. Moreover, theoretical calculations and kinetic modeling will be also introduced to further improve the understanding the homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions.

Basic knowledge of college chemistry

第一章 Overview 7学时 田振玉
第1节 Introduction
第2节 Main works of advanced diagnostics
第3节 Classification
第4节 Invasive techniques
第5节 Noninvasive techniques
第二章 Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry 6学时 田振玉
第1节 Introduction
第2节 Theory
第3节 Literature review
第4节 Recent applications of GC/MS
第5节 Outlook
第三章 Combustion Characteristics of Fossil Fuels by Thermal Analysis Methods 9学时 田振玉
第1节 Introduction
第2节 Classificatoini of Thermal analysis
第3节 Important terminologies used in thermal analysis
第4节 Thermogravimetry
第5节 Differential thermal analysis (DTA)
第6节 Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC)
第7节 Simulataneous Technique
第8节 Applications
第四章 Gas Potentiometry 6学时 田振玉
第1节 Introduction
第2节 Theoretical foundations of gas potentiometry
第3节 GOP materials, design, and systems
第4节 Analysis and characterization of gaseous and liquid fuel combustion
第5节 Analysis and characterization of solid fuel conversion
第6节 Applications with potential for development
第五章 Raman Scattering Diagnostics 7学时 田振玉
第1节 Introduction
第2节 Theory of SRS signal estimation
第3节 Current status in multiscalar diagnostics
第4节 Excitation system
第5节 Spectroscopy system
第6节 Data reduction
第7节 Flow controller system design
第六章 CARS Spectroscopy 13学时 田振玉
第1节 Introduction
第2节 Theory
第3节 Interpretation of CARS spectra
第4节 Principle of CARS
第5节 Molecular Parameters
第6节 Instrumentation
第7节 Experimental setup
第8节 Commonly used CARS microspectroscopy schemes
第9节 Phase matching
第10节 Fast CARS
第11节 Typical examples
第12节 General applications
第13节 Advantages and disadvantages of CARS
第七章 Laser-Induced Fluorescence 12学时 田振玉
第1节 Introduction
第2节 Theory
第3节 LIF applications
第4节 LIF of reaction species
第5节 Metal salts
第6节 Inorganic molecules
第7节 Organic molecules
第8节 Aliphatic molecules
第9节 High-speed LIF
第10节 Combined LIF techniques
第11节 Excitation sources
第12节 Detection strategies


Prof. TIAN Zhenyu